
EPS 290, Topics in Atmospheric Dynamics, Spring 2024


This course covers current and classic papers in atmospheric dynamics and climate physics in general with an eye towards aiding students involved in graduate-level research projects.

Thursdays at 2
382 McCone Hall


1/11, Rusen leads
  • Jacobs, Stochastic processes for physicists, 2010, chapter 4, take 2
1/18, Yi-Chuan leads
  • Jacobs, Stochastic processes for physicists, 2010, chapter 5, sections 5.1-5.2.2, problems 1 and 3
1/25, Yi-Chuan leads
  • Jacobs, Stochastic processes for physicists, 2010, chapter 5, sections 5.2.3-5.3, problems 2, 4, 5, and 6
2/1, Zhenyu leads
  • Jacobs, Stochastic processes for physicists, 2010, chapter 7, sections 7.1-7.7.1, problems 1-6
2/8, Rusen leads
  • Jacobs, Stochastic processes for physicists, 2010, chapter 7, sections 7.7.2-7.9, problems 7-12
2/15, Harsha leads
  • Hasselmann, Stochastic climate models, Part I Theory, Tellus, 1976
2/29, Abigail leads
  • Frankignoul and Hasselmann, Stochastic climate models, Part II Application to sea-surface temperature anomalies and thermocline variability, Tellus, 1977
3/7, Quentin leads
  • Vallis, Mechanisms of climate variability from years to decades, in collection, 2010
3/14, Nathaniel leads
  • Sura, A general perspective of extreme events in weather and climate, Atmo Research, 2011
3/21, Yi Zhang leads
  • Stuecker, The climate variability trio: stochastic fluctuations, El Niño, and the seasonal cycle, Geosci Letters, 2023
3/28, Zhenyu leads
  • Hansen et al., Global warming in the pipeline, Oxford Open CC, 2023
4/18, Sam leads
  • Wunsch, The interpretation of short climate records, with comments on the North Atlantic and Southern Oscillations, BAMS, 1999
4/25, Zhenyu presents
  • When and where nuclear winter is possible
5/2, Nathaniel leads
  • Rahmstorf, Is the Atlantic Overturning Circulation approaching a tipping point?, Oceanography, 2024
5/9, Yi-Chuan leads
  • Rice, Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 2007, chapter 5